B.F.A.Applied Arts Admission 2022-23



BFA Applied Arts (Four Year Full Time Professional Undergraduate Visual Art Course) 

B.F.A. (Applied Arts) or Bachelor of Fine Arts in Applied Arts is an undergraduate Fine Arts course. It is a four years program of study in a specialization of Illustration, Visualization, Typography, Photography, Web Interface Design and Digital Publishing which deals with the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use. An integrated course is offered in the first year, and the remaining three years are allocated for specialization in Applied Arts. In other words, B.F.A. (Applied Arts) is a degree that trains a student in the fields of Communication Design, Industrial design, Graphic design, Advertising, decorative art, functional art and Photography etc. The B.F.A. (Applied arts) degree course gives full exposure to advertising, communication design, print medias and electronic medias.

Course Duration : 4 years

Number of Seats : 90 seats

Examination Pattern : Annual Pattern. A.T.K.T. for Group-I (Theory) Subjects only

one cons equate attempt.  

Medium of Instruction : English

Entrance Examination : MAH-AAC-CET conducted by State Entrance Test Cell , Maharashtra Mumbai.( Government of Maharashtra)

Web site : http://cetcell.mahacet.org/, https://info.mahacet.org/cet2020/MAH-AAC-CET-2022/


Eligibility Criteria & Height ages for Admission 

The admissions are given on the basis of the CET marks & are allotted by STATE COMMON ENTRANCE TEST CELL, MAHARASHTRA, MUMBAI through centralized admission process. The Institute level is filled by the association test. The minimum marks for qualifying examination (degree of three years with maths/stats at 10+2 level or higher) are 50% aggregate for open and 45% in case of candidates of backward class category and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra state only.


Fees Structure 

Interim Fees for Academic Year 2022-23


CategoryTuition Fees (Rs.)Development Fees (Rs.)University Activities Fees (Rs.)Students insurance (Rs.)Total Fees (Rs.)

Fees accepted only on DD : Dr D Y Patil College of Applied Arts & crafts, Akurdi, Payable at Pune Refund of Fees Refund of Tuition fee, Development fee and other fees in case of cancellation of admission will be as per the norms set by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State.